News & Press

The Helis Foundation in the news

Additional information and hi-res images are available. Please contact Camille Rome at Bond Moroch: “Historic New Orleans Collection celebrates city’s 300th birthday with art and history”

The Historic New Orleans Collection will celebrate the city’s 300th birthday next year with an exhibit covering New Orleans’ earliest years, a free symposium exploring the city’s diversity and an exhibit of contemporary local art that will inaugurate a massively renovated French Quarter building, said the organization’s executive director, Priscilla Lawrence, on Monday (July 24).

New Orleans’ tricentennial, she said during a news conference, “is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, and you’d better believe we’re going to take advantage of it.”

The collection will launch its observance of the city’s milestone with “New Orleans, the Founding Era,” which will feature artifacts from the organization’s holdings and from museums in the United States and Europe, “many of which rarely travel outside their home institutions,” said Gregor Trumel, France’s consul general…

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WWL-TV: “Historic N.O. Collection unveils plans to mark tricentennial, expand to historic building”

NEW ORLEANS – Cementing its reputation and legacy as one of the city’s premier research and museum facilities dedicated to the history and culture of New Orleans, the Historic New Orleans Collection on Monday unveiled a slate of programs it will use to celebrate the city’s upcoming tricentennial.

At a press conference to unveil its plans, THNOC also detailed ongoing construction at what will become its third campus: 520 Royal Street, the historic building known as the Seignouret-Brulatour Building…

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Pelican Bomb: “Artist Deadline: ‘Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation'”

The Ogden Museum of Southern Art is accepting submissions for its annual “Louisiana Contemporary” exhibition.

The Ogden Museum of Southern Art is calling for Louisiana-based artists to submit works of art for its annual “Louisiana Contemporary Presented by The Helis Foundation” exhibition. This year’s juror is New Orleans-born curator Shantrelle P. Lewis.

The online application deadline is June 14 at 5 pm. For more information and application requirements, visit the Ogden’s website.


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Continue Reading “‘Bravegirl’ sculpture brings a message of empowerment to Poydras Street”

A glittering plum-colored sculpture by Houston artist Tara Conley arrived on Poydras Street near S. Peters Street amid rush hour traffic on Monday (April 24) morning. The 24-foot-long metal construction is like an advertisement, spelling out the word “Bravegirl” forward and backward in three dimensions. But “Bravegirl” isn’t a product, it’s a concept.

As Conley explained, little boys are taught to be brave when they get a cut on their fingers or have to confront a bully. We don’t apply the word to girls so much, she said, despite the fact that girls are called on to be brave every bit as often…

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The Advocate: “Brave new installation on Poydras marks International Sculpture Day”

One of the busiest neutral grounds in downtown New Orleans might not seem the best place for a conversation.

But that’s exactly what the latest addition to a rotating selection of public art along the Poydras Street corridor in the Central Business District is all about.

Titled “Bravegirl,” artist Tara Conley’s colorful aluminum word sculpture — painted a deep plum and enhanced with iridescent metallic accents — is the latest addition to the Poydras Corridor Sculpture Exhibition presented by The Helis Foundation…

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